There is nothing wrong with having a job

What do you want to do – both now and in the long run ?

I will say this though – your job has to fit in with your overall WC plan. Use it to your advantage… as a stepping stone to where you want to go.

That is why you need an overall WC plan in the first place – to plan for your overall future!

Use your job to fund your living – your savings, your charity giveaways – all the way until you can switch (if you wish) to your overall WC funding sources. Once your WC plan partially or fully funds your desired or current lifestyle, then you could possible scale back on your job – or even quit your job… !

Just remember though,….(if you currently have one) – you should enjoy it.

It is important to Realise this – Not everyone wants to quit their job, and that is Okay. if you enjoy your job then that is good – but MOST people want to improve the amount of money they get – so if that means that you keep working and generate some extra money on the side or save some money more easily.

however, if you don’t like your job to much, then you have the opportunity to change things for the better – get your wealthy change – your path to financial freedom – and this can be achieved in a step by step manner at your pace.